Making A Difference
Beyond conventional organization.
We are detail-driven, determined to make a difference, and fuelled by our desire to provide exceptional client service that far surpasses the norm.
Having an advisory board can be a game-changer. As a team of experts in their respective fields, we bring new perspectives and credibility. As advisory board members are not responsible for corporate governance, we give non-binding advice, which can be very helpful. We as an advisory board we also help companies make tough decisions that members of the board of directors may not be willing to speak about or push through. We are a flexible team and our services are also very cost-effective. It is far more cost-effective to invite experts into the advisory board rather than to the main board of directors. We always aim to bring in a group of experts and influential people — at a competetively low cost — who can give frank advice, predict future trends, and help keep the company in line with its vision and long-term goals.
The corporate climate has been under severe pressure, especially considering the changes brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. Employee morale may be low and finding ways to motivate your staff may be falling flat.
Research indicates that reward and recognition programmes are one way of motivating employees to change key behaviours, improve your company culture, and to ensure everyone is inspired to perform at their best. Supply Chain Council has the best and most cost-effective staff recognition and reward programmes. These are tailor-made to meet the specific needs of your business. With our track record of success, our clients regard us as a strategic partner that helps build a relationship between them and their workforce. We know how hard it is to get this right and we can help. Call us because we are passionate about people’s performance and, our industry experience has helps us identify what works and what doesn’t because EXCELLENCE is at the heart of everything we do.
Our team of ethical supply chain experts focuses on the need for corporate social responsibility to be an integral part in the discharge of their duties, working to produce products and services in a way that treats its workers and the environment ethically. The supply chain is no longer a back-office function that consumers have never heard of. Over the past ten years, it’s taken on a more forward-facing role that’s a competitive differentiator and part of the corporate business model. Let us help your team in implementing efficient and effective systems for the sustainability of both the business and planet.
The world is developing at a rapid rate as uncertainty surrounding trade, economic growth, regulations, and geopolitics rise, don’t be left behind. At the same time, the Fourth Industrial Revolution is the unfolding age of digitalization from the digitally connected products and services we consume, to advancements in smart cities and factories, and increasingly common automation of tasks and services in our homes and workplaces has finally come of age. Let our team plug you into this revolution. Let us build a long-term relationship to bring improvement and growth within your organisation at a pace that will align your company with global trends and standards.
The sometimes unfortunate part of being in business is that companies may face many legal issues and without access to the right legal counsel, a company can run into serious financial problems. Our Legal support services will help small business owners achieve their goals with expert advice and skilled representation. It is best to have legal support on your team before problems arise to ensure that your business is taking the proper preventative measures to avoid legal disputes. Our legal support services let business owners focus on increasing their company’s bottom line while the legal team handles all the paperwork and intricate details of complying with law. Our experience spans across continents and we can provide support to suite local and international laws. Just give us a call.
The Supply Chain Council is an experienced team that has an understanding of financial needs to managing negotiations with capital providers as well as the post-financing phase. It aims to enable women-owned businesses and women entrepreneurs to develop a better understanding of their financing landscape. We provide the tools on how to assess their financial needs, the process of identifying the right financial institutions, and of how to recognize financial instruments based on their business needs.
We believe the small businesses sector in South Africa does already make a significant contribution to the gross domestic product (GDP). We strongly advocate for the development of entrepreneurship, small businesses, and co-operatives, and to ensure an enabling legislative and policy environment to support their growth and sustainability. That’s why our team focuses on supporting small businesses, especially those owned and managed by black women.
For each business situation, every level of an organization may be involved, and the implications spanning across operational, tax and legal. Companies are looking at ways to develop and implement an effective value chain management process, one that considers and brings all these facets together to help achieve smoother operations, greater profitability, and more sustainable growth. The Supply Chain Council team works with your company to guide you through the transformation process by:
- Providing insight on how other companies are handling the changing environment as well as effective strategies to implement.
- Listening to your business objectives to gain an understanding of what your goals are.
- Evaluating your value chain management process and finding a path to improvement.
- Exploring value chain improvement options and co-developing the best solution for your company.
- Presenting tailored options that are aligned to your specific footprint and fact pattern.
Our vision
To lead the evolving supply chain management profession by developing and advancing supply chain knowledge, best practice, and research.